

New block

Here’s another block ready to be added to the stack of blocks  waiting to be made into a quilt. Lori Holt, of Bees in My Bonnet”  has created such cute designs and I’m really enjoying working on the  blocks for the Autumn quilt,  using her templates. 


After a quick lunch I plan on pulling out the quilt that I’ve  been working on for a month now.  The monstrous quilt that is giving me more trouble than I’ve ever had BUT…… I think I’ve figured it out.  The answer came to me in a dream……let’s see if it really works.  Hahahha 


 I also have a couple of  quilt designs I’m working on so I want to spend some time this afternoon with my graph paper and colored pencils.


   What are  YOU working on today? Whatever it is,  I hope it’s relaxing, creative and fun.  Time to eat then back to my sewing. 


 Until later…..big hugs and







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