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Helping Angels

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We feed and care for a small colony of stray/feral cats. They were all spayed and neutered so we didn’t have to worry about any new little ones BUT then a very pregnant, due any moment, momma showed up and gave birth to 3 kittens. Since then 4 other kittens have been born but only […]

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Happy {heavenly} birthday

Today my husband would have been 70 years old. I wish he were here to celebrate his birthday. That was the plan. That’s the way it was suppost to be-us growing old together. . It’s amazes me how much it still hurts and how much I still miss him. Over the years I’ve written many […]

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Productive Down Time

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I have to let my hands rest more often now or they swell and get painful. It’s frustrating but I guess it’s part of the normal aging process. I have a difficult time doing nothing so I’ve found I can use this down time designing patterns for future quilts or crocheted afghans. It can be […]

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3 Delivered

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Now that these have been delivered I can post pictures. I am glad they arrived to their new home safely. I really enjoyed creating them. I hope they will be well used and loved. –

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Log Cabin blocks

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Here’s a picture of 4 log cabin blocks that I made using just scraps. It’ small (baby size) but I made it as a sample for my quilting class. In case you don’t know when you join the Neighborhood Recreation Center in N. Las Vegas for $3 a year my classes are free. It’s for […]

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Irish Chain

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Irish Chain Quilt made from what is called a double nine patch. Another very simple but pretty quilt that can be made with only 2 colors or from many different colors using scraps. I don’t have a direction page yet (they are really time consuming ) but all of you that are in my classes […]

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