

Awake and ready….

Good Morning everyone.


I’m up and ready for another wonderful day.


I don’t have to be at work until 9am and since all my normal morning things are done I am going to spend the next few hours  getting an early start on my sewing.


By the way………………….If you are 55 or older, live in or close to North Las Vegas and have your Monday mornings free come join my sewing classes  at the Neighborhood Recreation Center at 9am.  The classes are free if you join the center for only $3.00 a year. Sewing machines, scissors, pins and misc fabrics are provided for your use during class. You can be a beginner or an advanced sewer. It’s a great class with wonderful people. We’d love to have you.


Oh and even though you didn’t ask………………………

my advice for the day is………..

1.be truly thankful for all you have,

2.smile often and deep enough that your eyes twinkle,

3.do something kind for someone with no expectation of payment,

4.laugh at yourself at least once

5.sing out loud as you go about your chores!


AND…..in case you didn’t get one yet………here’s a hug just for YOU to start your day off right……………….

Download hug 8






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